Item Spec
Enjoy an easier, more user-friendly item setup and maintenance process. Whether you’re uploading a single item or adding items to your catalog in bulk, Item Spec can help you manage your Marketplace business.
Experience faster item setup and management with an easier workflow.
Improve customer traffic to your listings thanks to new and optimized attributes.
Set up once for
multiple functions
Enjoy one spec for Marketplace item setup and Walmart Fulfillment Services setup.
Item Spec 5.0 is now available in Seller Center!
Item Spec 4 will now only be available for those that have already downloaded this version. Find out the difference and why we encourage adopting the latest version possible.
Item Spec 5.0
Use the latest version to unlock the most benefits for your business.
- Increase content quality by up to 10% with even more attributes compared to Item Spec 4
- Increase attribute relevancy—Item Spec 5.0 has removed 60% of generic attributes
- Increase attribute granularity by up to 65% with more precise item attribution
- More attributes are now structured text meaning listings will appear in the correct shelves and navigation paths on
- Drive listing consistency, whether you’re a first or third-party seller the item setup data model is the same
Item Spec 4
The legacy version can help you manage your catalog in a more limited capacity.
- Work with a more limited number of generic attributes and high-level categorization
- Understand that attributes are not structured text meaning listings are not tied to shelves and navigation paths on
- Unlock vertical programs with new support for Walmart Restored and Walmart GoLocal